It is like a time-out from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Time to enjoy the serenity of the village, experience relaxed environment of the place and its people. When i lived in Kuala Selangor for almost 10 years, i did not really feel
"balik kampung' for raya an event i look forward to. Well, mom and dad are in KL and
raya means going back to town (ha ha ha) not going back to the village. Living in KL since I was born and until finishing my first degree at the age of 24 has made me feel that KL is my city and my village. First experience getting posted to Kuala Pilah was a real challenge. Waa...... no place for shopping, not many fast food restaurants.. Help!!! But i survived there for two years (without injuries, mind you). And then after marriage, I got posted to another "kuala" (Kuala Lumpur - Kuala Pilah - Kuala Selangor), which is Kuala Selangor. Not sad actually, but felt troubled. Could i survive here? It is so far away from my city-village. Although not as far as Kuala Pilah but still... and funnily now i have a house there. Kuala Selangor has made me become a man (meaning a better person, coz no one ever say "become a woman" ever, right?) I learn about life, people, and how to connect with others, older, younger, teenagers and most importantly, the community. I think i would not have had these wonderful experiences if i were to live in KL all those ten years I lived in Kuala Selangor. No, not to belittle my "tempat tumpah darahku" but all of us just need a new environment to learn new things about life. I value the ten years I spent there. Now i am back in KL,
balik kampung means going back to my husband's hometown (for my children) especially. They enjoyed it this time especially because they got the opportunity to meet their cousins.
Balik Kampung? Of course children enjoy it the most coz it's time to play, and mothers cannot say anything (granny is watching..)